Tai Chi Daily Blog


lower back pain tai chi back pain

I have had lower back pains that seem to come and go since I was a teenager. Why all of a sudden do they seem to be disappearing? I believe that it is from practicing Tai Chi. I am now more aware of any tension in my body and how to dissipate it. Whenever I feel the tension in my lower back during my form it is because my waist has stopped turning. Keep your waist turning.  

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benefits of tai chi

Many people practice Tai Chi and go through the motions of a choreographed form similar to a mindless dance. Their arms and legs moving independently. I don’t think you can reap the benefits of Tai Chi by practicing Tai Chi this way. Tai Chi has its obvious benefits such as increased oxygen to the cells, better balance, stronger bones, increased leg strength, reduced stress, anxiety relief, longevity, mindfulness, youthful appearance, balanced life, and is a great form of daily meditation and exercise. Tai Chi is a lifelong journey. The more you practice Tai Chi the more Tai Chi benefits are revealed. I like to...

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My form usually consists of paying attention to quite a few points and working on them for a week or more. This morning's practice my attention happened to be on my feet. The foot is neither the beginning nor the end but it starts the momentum the rest of the body follows. Each step as I shift into the substantial foot, I am feeling the Chi travel through my body. It starts below the ground up through the bottom of my substantial foot and passes through my body and out to infinity. Then new chi energy travels back down through my head, through my...

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tai chi alignment tai chi body mechanics

When I have read a book more than once I might take it out and just open it in the middle and begin reading. Next time I pick it up I will open it again and read a different section. I have read the book Cheng Tzu's Thirteen Treatises on Tai Chi by Cheng Man Ching probably three times. This time I picked it up and opened it randomly and read. I came across a few paragraphs about The Beginning Posture which by the way was in the middle of the book. Cheng Man Ching wrote "The Main Purpose of...

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brooklyn tai chi

*This page contains affiliate relationships. A commission may be earned when a purchase is made through these links. Earlier today, I traveled from Long Island to visit my cousins in Brooklyn, NY. My cousins reside close to Owl's Head Park in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. Given the pleasant weather, I decided to showcase my Yang Tai Chi 37 short form in the park, with my cousin recording it. As the park was so close to their home, we made a short walkover to the location. While I have been practicing various Tai Chi forms for many years, including the William C.C....

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